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Deepest Condolences on the Passing Away of Former Premier Jiang Zemin

5th December 2022

We at ISS-HK express our deepest condolences on the passing away of Former Premier Mr Jiang Zemin in Shanghai.

During his tenure, Mr Jiang guided our Country to overcome countless challenges, fostered rapid economic development, established major milestones in China’s foreign affairs, and was a charismatic leader in his own right. His passing away is a great loss to all Chinese.

Mr Jiang had deep ties with Hong Kong, and had always had Hong Kong in mind. He was of paramount importance on the smooth handover of Hong Kong to China, and the successful implementation of “One Country Two Systems” in Hong Kong. Mr Jiang well understood what made Hong Kong shine – the convergence of the East and the West, and that it also contributed to the Country. The economic and social circumstances were stable in Hong Kong during his tenure. It was a golden era everyone fondly remembers.

We are grateful for Mr Jiang's enormous contribution to our Country and Hong Kong. He will be very dearly missed.

International Social Service Hong Kong Branch