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Internet celebrity Jacky Lou Shared "The Road of Becoming a KOL"
The Life Rider Career & Life Planning Project, which is organized by the School Social Work & School Support Services of International Social Service Hong Kong Branch, and sponsored by Home Affairs Bureau Funding Scheme for Youth Life Planning Activities, invited Mr. Jacky Lou, a famed entertainer from “Manner Culture Enterprises” to share his experiences and insights with 60 secondary students in a mentorship programme on 6 May 2023.
Jacky not only shared his journey to becoming a Key Opinion Leader (KOL) on social media, but also highlighted the opportunities and challenges of the industry through interactive games. He encouraged students to explore their potential talents, be self-motivated and adventurous to find out their interests and strengths for better career planning in the future. All students actively took part, gained knowledge on the industry and got an idea of how to plan their lives ahead.