Services for Families
Tin Shui Wai (North) Integrated Family Service Centre
- Objectives
Provide professional integrated and accessible one-stop family services for individuals and families in need
- Enhance individuals and families in problem solving skills.
- Strengthen family’s functioning and promote family’s congruence.
- Link up community resources so as to build a supporting community.
- Whom We Serve
Enquiry Services:
- Any people in need.
Casework Services:
- Residents living in Tin Yuet Estate, Tin Yat Estate, Tin Heng Estate, Grandeur Terrace, Tin Chung Court, Tin Fu Court and Vianni Cove.
Groups/ Programmes & Other Services:
- Any individuals & families who are interested
- Service Contents
Family Counseling Unit
- Intensive counseling services
- Therapeutic groups
- Crisis interventions
Family Support Unit
- Brief counseling services
- Mutual help groups
- Support groups/activities
Family Resources Unit
- Enquiry services
- Volunteer services
- Outreaching services
- Family support programmes
- Family life education
- Educational and developmental groups/activities
- Induction Programme for Newly Arrived Children
- Resources for Healthy Family (Chinese only)
Please refer to Chinese version of Resources.
- Service Fees
Enquiry and casework service: Free
Groups/programmes & other services: Please refer to centre leaflets on charges of groups, programmes and other services.
About Membership:
- Free membership fee (valid for 3 years)
- Individual membership: Hong Kong residents aged 6 or above.
- Family membership: 2 or more Hong Kong residents with family as a unit which includes at least one member aged 18 or above living together.
- Service Entry
- Applications made in person or enquiry through phone during office hours.
- Applications made via post, fax or email to the centre.
- Referrals made by other organizations.
- Urgent outreaching services.
- Service Exit
- The completion of enquiry.
- The service is ended upon the achievement of the agreed case goal.
- The completion of groups and programmes.
- Either service users or social workers can terminate the service in response to situation
- Service Hours
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat: 9am – 1pm / 2pm – 5pm
Fri: 9am – 1pm / 2pm – 8pm - Contact Information
Address: 2-3/F, Ancillary Facilities Block, Tin Yuet Estate, Tin Shui Wai, Yuen Long, New Territories, Hong Kong (view on map)
Tel: 2446 1223
Fax: 2446 3313
Email: tswnifsc@isshk.org