Services for Children & Youths
- Objectives
To arrange adoption for children in need through cooperation with local or overseas agencies and to help the children integrate into their adoptive families.
- Service Contents
- In co-operation with the Adoption Unit of Social Welfare Department in Hong Kong, to arrange overseas adoption for children who are under its guardianship
- To arrange children in need to be adopted by their overseas relatives
- To assist families to adopt children from places outside Hong Kong
- To assist families in Hong Kong to adopt children under the guardianship of Social Welfare Department
- To trace background information on adopted persons and to help re-establish contacts
Information sheet of the above services are available upon request
- Service Fees
Most of our services will incur a charge. (Please contact us for further information)
- Service Entry
Some services require referrals from local / overseas agencies while some accept direct application
- Service Exit
Upon completion of all necessary requirements or request of withdrawal
- Service Hours
Mon: 9am-1pm / 2pm-6pm
Tue-Fri: 9am-1pm / 2pm-5:45pm
Sat, Sun & Public holiday: Closed - Contact Information
Address: 6/F, Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong (view on map)
Tel: 2834 6863
Fax: 2834 7627
Email: ia@isshk.org