Services for Children & Youths
Small Group Home
- Objectives
- To provide a home-like residential caring service for children/youths aged 4 to 18 without proper family care.
- To prepare the children for restoration to their families or enable them to lead an independent life in the community after discharge.
- Whom We Serve
School-attending children/youths aged 4 to 18
- Service Contents
- Provide residential care, food, daily living care, life skills training, and assistance in homework tutorials
- Organize social and recreational activities
- Provide counselling to foster positive growth in character, emotion, academic studies and conduct behaviour
- Make regular assessment and discuss the welfare plan with the referring social worker, family members and the school
- Mode of Operation
The Programme operates a total of 12 group homes in the community with a capacity of 98 children. In general, 8 children are cared for in each small group home under a married couple who act as house parents with the supervision of a registered social worker. Two of the homes provide residential care services for older boys aged 8 to 18 years old. Seven of the homes are integrated small group home each cares for 1 mildly handicapped child and 7 ordinary children.
- Service Fees
No fees are required for our services but parents/ guardians will be responsible for their children’s own personal expenses including petty cash, transportation, extra-curricular activities, daily necessities, medical needs and education
- Service Entry
- The Programme accepts referrals by the SWD or social service units of non-government organizations for residential service from the Central Referral System for Residential Child Care Services (CRSRC) and Central Referral System for Rehabilitation Services (CRS Rehab) operated by the Social Welfare Department.
- Service Exit
Exit from the service is subject to the needs of the child, case development and recommendation of the referrers. There should be prior discussions between both parties and together with referring worker on welfare plan. All parties are required to complete necessary formalities for formal discharge.
- Service Hours
Mon: 9am-1pm / 2pm-6pm
Tue-Fri: 9am-1pm / 2pm-5:45pm
Sat, Sun & Public holiday: Closed - Contact Information
Address: 6/F, Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong (view in Google Map)
Tel: 2834 6863
Fax: 2834 7627
Email: sgh@isshk.org