Services for the Elderly

Programme for Portable Comprehensive Social Security Assistance

  • Objectives

    From April 2000, ISS-HK has been commissioned by the Hong Kong Social Welfare Department to provide services for the elderly who have joined the Portable Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (PCSSA) Scheme.

  • Whom We Serve

    The Scheme allows elderly PCSSA recipients who choose to take up residence in Fujian Province to continue to receive their PCSSA payments.

  • Service Contents
    • Individual briefing session will be conducted for each recipient prior to his/her departure for Fujian Province. During the briefing sessions, we introduce our services to the recipients and give information about the necessary preparation for their settlement in Mainland China.
    • Each case will receive an annual review for its eligibility to continue receiving PCSSA payment. A minimum of 20% of the cases will be reviewed by spot checks, while the remaining will receive postal reviews.
    • Recommendations for appropriate appointee for mentally unfit recipients.
    • Investigations of eligibility on special cases.
    • Handling of enquiries and changes reported by recipients or interested parties.
    • Arrangements of escort / transport service for needy recipients living in Fujian Province.
    • Handling of applications for burial grant from recipients' relatives who are Chinese residents.
  • Service Hours

    Mon: 9am-1pm / 2pm – 6pm
    Tue-Fri: 9am-1pm / 2pm – 5:45pm
    Sat, Sun & Public Holiday: Closed

  • Contact Information

    Address: Restaurant Block, Ping Shek Estate, Kowloon
    Tel: 2300 1200
    Fax: 2755 3400