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Wellness with Chinese Medicine 2024

The "Wellness with Chinese Medicine 2024" event was successfully held on 30 November at the NTHYK Tai Po District Secondary School, attracting a total of 65 elderly participants. In addition to providing  basic health check-ups and free chinese medicine consultations, advanced  muscle mitochondria activation and red light therapy products for pain relief were also offered for attendees to experience.  A seminar on "Maintaining Digestive Health" was conducted, along with teaching sessions for the elderly to learn  the Yi Jin Bang exercise.  The event not only equipped them with valuable strategies for staying healthy but also fostered a sense of community care and harmony.

The success of the event was made possible by the support of various organizations and professionals, including School of Chinese Medicine of The Chinese University of Hong Kong,  CUHK Greater Bay Area Alumni Association,  Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Hong Kong Alumni Association, BioMed Technology Holdings Limited, Health Advisor, MTcure, Exercise Prescription Limited, and Axe Brand. We also extend our gratitude to the NTHYK Tai Po District Secondary School for providing the venue and training students to assist  in this volunteer service.